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Rutin CAS 153-18-4

Chemical Name: Rutin

Synonyms: Globularicitrin; Violaquereitrin

CAS: 153-18-4

Molecular Fomula: C27H30O16

Molecular Weight: 610.52

Appearance: Yellow or Greenish-yellow crystal powder



Rutin CAS 153-18-4 Quick Details

Chemical Name: Rutin

Synonyms: Globularicitrin; Violaquereitrin; quercetin-3-rutinoside; sophorin; Myrticolorin; Birutan; rutoside; Phytomelin
CAS: 153-18-4

Molecular Fomula: C27H30O16

Molecular Weight: 610.52

Chemical Structure:Rutin CAS 153-18-4 Structure

Appearance: Yellow or Greenish-yellow crystal powder

Typical Properties

Items Specification Result Method
Maker Compounds 95.00% 95.17% UV
Appearance Fine Powder Conforms Visual
Color Light-yellow Conforms Visual
Odor Characteristic Conforms Organoleptic
Taste Characteristic Conforms Organoleptic
Drying Method Vacuum drying Conforms
Physical Characteristics
Particle Size NLT 100% Through 80 mesh Conforms AOAC9 73.03(TQ_106)
Loss on Drying ≦10.0% 7.31% TQ-104(105℃/2h)
Ash (Sulphated Ash) ≦2.0% 1.68% TQ-104(525℃/3h)
Total Heavy Metals ≤10ppm Conforms ICP/MS AOAC 993.14
Arsenic(As) ≤1ppm Conforms ICP/MS AOAC 993.14
Lead(Pb) ≤1ppm Conforms ICP/MS AOAC 993.14
Mercury(Hg) ≤0.05ppm Conforms ICP/MS AOAC 993.14
Cadmium (Cd) ≤1ppm Conforms ICP/MS AOAC 993.14
Microbiological Tests
Total Plate Count ≤10,000cfu/g 2000cfu/g AOAC996. 23
Total Yeast Mold ≤1,000cfu/g 110cfu/g FDA(BAM) 7th Ed.
E.Coli Negative Negative USP33, NF28, 2010
Salmonella Negative Negative USP33, NF28, 2010
Staphylococcus Negative Negative USP33, NF28, 2010
sterilization method High-temperature sterilizing
Conclusion: Conforms to in-USA standard

Rutin CAS 153-18-4 Usgae

Vitamin drugs. It has the effect of reducing capillary permeability and fragility, maintaining and restoring the normal elasticity of capillaries. It is used to prevent and treat hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, diabetic retinal hemorrhage, and hemorrhagic purpura, and is also used as a food antioxidant and pigment.

Rutin CAS 153-18-4 Packaging


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